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Payroll Congress

Congress Workshops

Payroll Congress offers four days of top-rated educational workshops. Choose from more a variety workshops, offered in a variety of education tracks, to increase your level of understanding in all areas of payroll and related fields.

Benefits and Compensation

These workshops focus on compliance with benefits and compensation requirements, including the latest developments in fringe benefits, stock options, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans.

Global Payroll

These workshops delve into global strategies and success, whether you are processing payroll for one country or multiple regions. Explore a wide spectrum of the payroll function, risks, compliance, and related issues from a global perspective.

Late-breaking Legislative
and Regulatory Updates

These workshops review current and upcoming legislative and regulatory changes at both the federal and state level. These workshops are a must for anyone involved in maintaining compliance within their organization.

Leadership Excellence Series

These workshops present a variety of leadership topics from exploring self-growth as a professional to the retention of top talent. Attend one or all of these six exhilarating sessions designed to inspire and empower you on your leadership journey.

PAYO Tools

Are you interested in getting involved with PayrollOrg and/or expanding your knowledge about our tools and resources? Workshops in this track offer a variety of sessions covering the PAYO Bookshelf, chapters and community, the PayTrain e-Learning program, and volunteer opportunities.

Payroll Management
and Operations

These workshops present topics critical to the efficient operation of the payroll process, to help ensure employees are paid accurately and to identify compliance issues and resolve them before your organization is subject to penalties.

Payroll Thought Leadership

These workshops focus on learning how to obtain significant return on investment and overcoming industry challenges with specific product solutions. These educational workshops showcase how organizations implemented specific solutions that positively impacted their bottom line.

Professional Development

These workshops offer insights and perspectives for enhancing your interpersonal skill set and advancing your career. Covering a range of topics from analytics and communications to metrics and negotiation skills, these sessions will further your professional growth.


These workshops are designed for anyone focusing on technology covering the latest on artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, pre- and post-implementation, and metrics.